Personal Development

What is Your Greatest Unsolved Problem?

  • I’ve neglected to acknowledge my hidden strengths. It’s time to discover what they are.
  • It’s time for me to be honest about certain personality deficiencies, so that I can improve my relationships.
  • I’m under extreme duress from a number of directions. I need tools to help me cope.
  •  I’d like to develop a set of communication responses that are effective, but not defensive.
  • I’ve neglected to acknowledge my hidden strengths. It’s time to discover what they are.
  • It’s time for me to be honest about certain personality deficiencies, so that I can improve my relationships.
  • I’m under extreme duress from a number of directions. I need tools to help me cope.
  •  I’d like to develop a set of communication responses that are effective, but not defensive.

We provide objective and accurate diagnostic tools to identify your strengths and to develop strategies that facilitate personal growth. The same tools are remarkably useful for identifying any vulnerabilities that may be restricting your success and your sense of well-being.

Winslow Diagnostic Report

Winslow Research has provided its Behavior Assessment Systems to organizations, professional sports teams, and individuals for over 50 years.  Personal coaching organizations including Franklin Covey, Professional Education Institute and others, leading authors like Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Steven Covey, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, and hundreds of coaches utilize the Winslow Reports in their programs.

This comprehensive Profile measures the 24 personality characteristics related to personal contentment, developing effective relationships, and mitigating stress. From the results of your Profile, a 45 page report will be created that presents objective information on your personality, behavior, and attitudes. Among other purposes, Winslow Reports are used for marriage counseling, strengthening family relations, and career coaching. With this information, you can capitalize on your personality assets but also modify your behavior, as desired. You’ll find the profile results will boost your odds of achieving personal goals, discovering hidden strengths, and obtaining greater contentment when facing problematic issues. 

Contents of your Winslow Report

Your Winslow Report includes the following sections:

Personality Profiles:  Graphically illustrates your 24 personality traits on four separate charts: Interpersonal Traits, Dedication Traits, Organizational Traits, and Self-control Traits.

Personality Trait Descriptions:  Your score for each of the 24 Winslow Traits is described in some detail.  These messages present a comprehensive and objective description of your personality, likely behavior, and attitudes. These insights will enable you to better understand yourself.

Influential Traits:  Comprehensive information is provided on your personality assets and areas of concern.  These are the traits that will have the most profound influence in your personal life.  By knowing which of your traits are strong assets and which could prevent you from achieving your potential, you will be more successful in your career and more content in your personal life.

Personal Development:  In this section, we suggest strategies which will enable you to capitalize on your assets and to control or modify those areas of concern. This information puts your newfound insights to work immediately. 

Winslow Traits Analysis

Provides a comprehensive display of the 24 Winslow Traits in a bar graph format.

What is a Debriefing?

Certain individuals are self-managed. They read the Winslow Report and begin implementing changes on their own right away. Other people prefer speaking with a Winslow Authorized Coach to better understand the nuances, trait clusters, and suggested behavior modifications as described in the report.

The Process is Simple

1. Purchase a Profile Password to obtain just the Winslow Report, or purchase a Profile Password and a Debriefing Session with one of our skilled coaches.

2. Complete the online questionnaire in 30-60 minutes

3. Immediately receive the 45 page Participant’s Report on your personality and behavior with suggestions for benefiting from your assets and improving any areas of concern.

OPTION: If you choose to include a debriefing, after you’ve taken the profile and read the Participants Report, you will use the appropriate link to fill in the Debriefing Worksheet. This worksheet helps you explore:

  • Your impression of the results
  • Three traits most contributing to your well being
  • Three traits most likely to undermine your success
  • Your goals for the upcoming, online debriefing session with your coach

Purchase Options For Individuals

Personal Winslow Assessment - $199

  • Personal Winslow Assessment
  • Comprehensive, 45-page Report

Winslow Assessment + Debrief - $499

  • Personal Winslow Assessment
  • Comprehensive, 45-page Report
  • 1 Hour Debriefing with Winslow Consultant