Unlike other assessments, The Winslow Profiles & Reports were created by business executives for business use
Unlike other assessments, The Winslow Profiles & Reports
were created by business executives for business use
The Winslow Profiles and Reports development team included participation by professors of psychology at Stanford, Cal State at Berkeley, San Jose State and San Francisco State.
Winslow Traits Analysis
Provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s unique personality, measured by 24 personality traits.
Winslow Position Analysis
Provides a “bottom line number”, the Participants Net Score, as well as other relevant data, indicating an individual’s suitability for a particular position.
Our system provides reliable, actionable, valid reports on each individual we assess.
Why is this important? Because many participants provide inaccurate or biased answers, either deliberately or subconsciously. This does not mean those individuals lack integrity, but merely that the reports on these individuals are often invalid. 30% of all psychometric reports contain inaccurate and biased replies, which invalidate the assessment. We are the only firm which guarantees validity on each and every report by using two important filters during the assessment process: Accuracy and Objectivity.
Objectivity ensures that the participant provided objective and unbiased answers. Put simply, we detect if participants are presenting a favorable image of themselves.
Diversity officers can find encouragement in the fact that our system is completely oblivious to race, gender, age, education, ethnic background, and other criteria.
If participants provide inaccurate or positively biased responses, we recycle the Winslow password and invite them to retake the assessment at no additional charge. Far from being seen as a nuisance, we invite you to look at this process as an example of our integrity.
Improving personnel performance is an ongoing challenge to managers worldwide. Winslow Research Institute developed an innovative Employee Development Program to meet that challenge. The program complements management skill by preparing reports on the behavior and attitudes of employees, based on the results of assessment instruments…
Research proves that 90% of career failures are directly attributed to some aspect of human behavior. Usually, individuals do not fail because of a lack of education, experience, training or skills. Quite often they fail because their personality is incompatible with the behavioral requirements of their job. Valid, thorough pre-employment assessments…
Winslow Research has provided its Behavior Assessment Systems to organizations, professional sports teams, and individuals for over 50 years. Personal coaching organizations including Franklin Covey, Professional Education Institute and others, leading authors like Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Steven Covey, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, and hundreds of coaches utilize the Winslow Reports in their programs…
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