• March 22, 2024
  • David Dean
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NameTerry Wilson
Today's Date09/25/2024
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OrganizationLangs Building Supplies
Describe the impact the Winslow Participant’s Report has had on you so far.

The Winslow Report has allowed me acknowledge strengths in my make up but more importantly identify personal traits, circumstances and situations that I needed to understand and be conscious of so I can continually and consistently have front of mind so I can address and implement what is needed for a desired outcome.

(3) Winslow traits contibuting to thier success.Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that are contributing the most to your personal and/or professional success.
Trait #1Conscientious
My Score10

Being aware of situations, both procedural /systematic along with personal interactions between staff goes along way in understanding what benefits and repercussions may occur from certain situations and allow you to get the best out of people. Controlled empathy goes along with being conscientious and will assist in developing a team culture stronger than just required minimum duty.

Trait #2Alertness
My Score10

Alertness or being aware allows you to think and plan ahead and address or at least give time to potential issues and in turn an opportunity to lessen negative impact or capitalise on opportunity. In both professional and personal situations there are always indicators presenting themselves to us every day and an opportunity is not an opportunity unless acted upon.

Trait #3Endurance
My Score9

Very few game changing or life changing moments happen in one instance or one day or one week. I believe success to be a culmination of lots of small situations that build character and leadership. Staying focussed on the long game and not loosing momentum or desire for the ultimate result and being consistent will inevitably have you realize what you started out wanting to achieve.

(3) Winslow traits restraining them from achieving success.Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that seem to be restraining you the most from achieving personal or professional success.
Trait #1Flexibility
My Score4

It is easy in being content with structures or procedures that deliver a great result day in day out and not continue to look for even better ways or people that could offer more to the cause. Being to structured (score 9) can provide some very positive outcomes in my day but also tend me to stay in my lanes and not explore and trial other possibilities.

Trait #2Creativity
My Score4

Much along the same lines as flexibility. I don't feel that I am against new ideas or variations I just feel I tend to look for these opportunities more so in testing times when there is opportunity to explore all the time.

Trait #3Autonomy
My Score1

Due to where I have started my career it was always been about getting direction and carrying out a task quickly, effectively show enthusiasm going above and beyond , smashing KPI's and winning. Being the obvious choice for advancement when offered and when available.(Ambition score 9) Scoring well in most of these traits has come from family upbringing, team sporting background and a healthy competitiveness. This was all just second nature. I now find myself in situations where I am not the most qualified in the room in certain situations and I always feel best to seek advice from those who's area of expertise we are addressing at the time.

Profile Review Goals

Self control traits is the cluster that I would like focus on. Composure when things might not be going to plan. Control expression and frustration when things may not progress as fast as I would like them too

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