• December 19, 2023
  • David Dean
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NameCorey Jackson
Date Entered09/30/2024
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
OrganizationTrinity Park Church
Describe the impact the Winslow Participant’s Report has had on you so far.

The Winslow has helped me understand some of my strengths and to lean into those with more confidence while also giving me a better understanding of my weaknesses so I can better avoid situations where those attributes can negatively impact me and others.

Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that are contributing the most to your personal and/or professional success.Pending
Trait #1Alertness
My Score9

I have always felt I am above average in taking in information from the world around me and assimilating and responding to it in a way that others might not be able to. I gravitate toward complicated gaps in the world that need attention or complex problems in the world that need to be solved. I get a high degree of energy from entering into high challenge situations.

Trait #2Endurance
My Score9

God has given me the ability to stick with really tough situations for a long time, to stay with things in difficult times so that the vision can be realized. This is an asset but I need to realize that many others don't have this outlook and so I should respond to them with great patience and care when the organizations I lead are walking through challenges.

Trait #3Leadership
My Score10

This trait, along with boldness, contentment, sociability and exhibition being a 10 (and ambition a 9) means that I need to be taking the lead with groups of people to work toward goals that are important but difficult and things that can only be achieved together. I was encouraged to read this, actually I was very surprised to see so many high scores in these areas but also wonder what the Lord could have for me to do for him with the leadership gifts he's given me

Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that seem to be restraining you the most from achieving personal or professional success.Pending
Trait #1Responsibility
My Score3

This was an interesting one for me. I am highly responsible with getting things done but it was interesting to think about how I am likely to not take the blame quick enough when I don't do something well. I had just gotten this feedback recently from someone and I felt like it rung true but the Winslow helped me locate this in a category so I can own it and work on it.

Trait #2Structure
My Score3

This doesn't come out in my personal time management which is I actually do really well on the whole but it does show forth in how I am slow to appreciate the need to build out systems in my family or in church or in the Luke Alliance which could prove helpful to others. I need to rely on others around me to help me create org structures which others will feel the need for before I do.

Trait #3Endurance
My Score9

I need to be careful to pace myself and to take care of myself to avoid burnout. My motor can also not just run me into the ground but can negatively impact others as well. This along with some other scores like being high in boldness etc, can probably be intimidating for others even though I don't feel like I'm being intimidating. I can probably tend to stay in difficult situations too long to the detriment of others around me. On the other hand it can be a strength if I lean in with humility and a measure of nurture/shepherding.

Describe your goals for the Profile Review and/or upcoming coaching experience. For example, you may describe personal relationships that you want to improve, behavioral changes you want to make, or discovering how to position yourself for career advancement.

I think a lot about how my strengths can make it easier on me than most to stay in hard places. I wonder what our prolonged time at TPC is doing to Olivia and am often concerned for her to have to stay along side me in what has been a very challenging calling.

I also wonder with my high scores in various categories if I need to look to do The Luke Alliance full time. The scope of leadership, creativity, boldness, endurance, sociability, exhibition needed to succeed there is high-level. I wonder if staying at TPC provides enough outlets at this stage that God has placed in me.

My responsibility and high endurance scores will make it easy to stay even if I am hurting people because my tendency is to fight on, even when I am hurting others. I will be slower to see how I am hurting others which might keep me more positive about how well I'm doing in my job than I should be. I see this as important for folks under my care, but mostly for Olivia - again I deeply wonder how much my proclivity to stay in hard places while not really taking seriously any signs that I should be doing something differently is hurting her.

With my high social scores I get very little social outlets at TPC. Though I'm around people all the time, it's a lonely job to be a senior pastor. I wonder what this is doing to my overall success in life over time.

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