• December 19, 2023
  • David Dean
  • 0
NamePeter Hall
Date Entered10/14/2024
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OrganizationLangs Building Supplies
Describe the impact the Winslow Participant’s Report has had on you so far.

Given me an independent analysis of how I may be perceived as a person.
Already makes me aware of how I am reacting to certain situations.

Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that are contributing the most to your personal and/or professional success.Pending
Trait #1Structure
My Score9

One of my strong traits and I believe being orgainised in my personal life holds me in good stead to carry out my obligations on a professional level.

Trait #2Order
My Score10

Being organised in my personal life has always been something that comes naturally to me and I believe it has been an asset to me throughout my career as well.

Trait #3Coachability
My Score7

I have always had respect for management unless there is good reason not to. I believe anyone in a position of authority has usually earnt that responsibility and should have something worthwhile to contribute if I was to approach them for advice. Following rules and regulations within reason is probably a contributing factor to my strengths in structure and order traits.

Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that seem to be restraining you the most from achieving personal or professional success.Pending
Trait #1Assertiveness
My Score2

Was surprised by this appraisal as I have always thought of myself as while not being domineering, I was reasonably assertive and competitive.
I now see this as being a trait I need to work on as a manager.

Trait #2Leadership
My Score1

There are many styles of management and having been employed as a manager for a substantial number of years I feel as if I possess the qualities that are essential to being a successful manager.
On receiving this profile I now feel that I need to work on improving other traits to better my leadership skills.

Trait #3Flexibility
My Score2

While being comfortable with the way things are I feel that I have been flexible over recent times and have been adaptable to make changes both in my personal and professional challenges.
I believe that being comfortable comes from being structured and orderly and I do not feel that I resist change if it means continuous improvement and am confident in trying new methods and processes if it presents an opportunity to work better for employees and the company as a whole.

Describe your goals for the Profile Review and/or upcoming coaching experience. For example, you may describe personal relationships that you want to improve, behavioral changes you want to make, or discovering how to position yourself for career advancement.

Would like to improve on some of my dedication traits and make some changes to my leadership skills.
At 63 years of age I am not overally concerned about career advancement and am more focused on gaining the best possible outcome for the company on a daily basis.

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