• December 19, 2023
  • David Dean
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NameMatthew Day
Date Entered10/13/2024
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OrganizationLangs Building Supplies (Evodian)
Describe the impact the Winslow Participant’s Report has had on you so far.

Not a great deal as I regularly do self reflections and most traits highlighted are known to me. I think the report struggles in some areas and does not account for people like me with Autism who have learned a lot of skills over the years to deal with our personal and professional challenges. I have a history of doing reflective journals and my team also do bi-weekly retrospectives as a team, we build this into our processes as a growth tactic.

Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that are contributing the most to your personal and/or professional success.Pending
Trait #1Conscientious
My Score1

I had to look up your definition of "Conscientious" and i feel this result is more based on the moralistic side than anything else. As I pride myself on my dedication and loyalty to my people, and my job. I am the first person to respond to any crisis and the last person to leave. While reviewing this trait with those close to me that have worked with and for me for a lot of years they call concluded this one got it wrong with regard to the score.

I feel some of the questions have missed the mark with this area, for example I feel it is only natural for people to want to do other things in life other than just work and yes if something comes up that they feel is more important they will want to do that instead of work, that does not mean however they blow the work off or aren't dutiful.

I do agree with the assessment "You perceive rules and regulations as limits on my freedom", and I will "bend or break them" I think that is a natural part of change and challenging the status quo. Every rule or policy change that has every come about did so by breaking the mould, the most dangerous phrase in any language is we have always done it that way. Progress and success requires rule breaking and new ways of seeing the world and that is why I am the longest serving Nutanix Technology Champion in the world from 2015 to present, and why in 2016 I won the global Industry Innovation Award in Las Vagas.

We just have different views on what it really means to be conscientious.

Trait #2Nurturance
My Score8

You are only as strong and successful as your people, when their goals become your goals professionally and personally and you help them achieve those goals you get paid back in spades. The single most important change I have made in my life is seeing the value of people and helping them be successful. You can only be a rock star on your own for so long, at some point you need the band to back you.

Human talent management and nurturing those around me and letting them take ownership of their tasks and not alienating them from the decisions, while supporting them and providing guidance has led to a culture of success and learning. My staff know it's okay to make mistakes and I will pick them up and dust them off, mistakes only become errors when we don't learn from them and I have made many. We call it experience.

In a high performance area with a lot of stress you have to give a damn and care for what is going on in peoples lives professionally and personally otherwise productivity tanks. I also rely on these people to meet the very ambitious targets I set, so I have to know what is making them happy and what is not. It's why I regularly have professional / personal development sessions with every member of my team.

Trait #3Tough-minded
My Score10

Being able to run into road blocks time and time again without giving in or becoming overtaken by events or emotions means I succeed where others wouldn't and have not. My daughter tells me this is one of my Autism super powers, that I don't feel stress and that I can be empathic without being emotional. I live in the pragmatic reality of the world and know when I can push and push hard and when I have to take a new approach.

I am often the shield for my teams, removing the barriers that hold them and their work up, I can bring people together and get things moving again in very hostile situations. I am not easily offended and deal well in robust circumstances that others would like to avoid. You play the ball, not the people.

Select up to three (3) Winslow traits in your Participant's Report that seem to be restraining you the most from achieving personal or professional success.Pending
Trait #1Sociability
My Score2

Sociability and Recognition (1) as you define it probably go hand in hand, I have been very good with both of these and most outwardly looking people would not agree with the scoring here but those people do not know me very well and see the "Mask" I choose to show them. The reality is even though I do a lot of public speaking from small gatherings to conferences with upwards of 15,000 people it is not something I enjoy and would rather avoid like the plague if given a choice.

Being social or the centre of attention is very very hard and taxing work for me, its one of the hardest things I do and I always feel on show or like I am being judged. This is part of my Austism. I have a lot of learned skills in this area but its not natural and these days I like my staff to do events for me where possible, the older I get the more I shrink from social settings with unknown people I would rather be with my tribe.

This has held me back from achieving some of the success internationally I would like as I find it exhausting and emotionally taxing.

Trait #2Trust
My Score4

Trust but verify is a motto of mine, and I have found people not through malice to be just plan wrong in most instances. I do not trust any one until I have verified it for myself or until that person has proven to me to be trust worthy, and by that I mean I can trust their decision making process. Nearly every mess I have ever had to clean up was because I trusted someone to do some thing the correct way or in the correct time and they didn't and I am left holding the bag.

I do not discuss my thoughts openly esp of a personal nature which often leaves me in isolation when I am sure other viewpoints would be advantageous, however those I do trust and let in my bubble are highly valued. Even in doing this process, I have spoken with and asked for feedback from my right hand colleague as I can trust what they will say and I can trust they will be honest in their feedback.

It takes years for me to build trusting relationships, and my attitude is often I will go in expecting the worst and to have to fix things, and if I don't its a nice surprise. This can make me seem distant at times, and the verification process can feel to some like interrogation when I am short on time so I have to work on being a bit softer in my approach to data collection.

Trait #3Endurance
My Score3

I cannot stand doing repetitive or routine tasks, I hate it, it physically makes me feel ill and frustrated which puts me on edge and angry. Simple paperwork tasks can seem like climbing mount Everest and I can lose days to them.

It's not about sustained energy or effort, I have that in spades, its just the mental block of doing something more than once or twice. I actively delegate those tasks to others. If I don't want to do something, I simply won't do it and that is that, which has consequences but professionally and personally and I have learned I just have to be upfront and honest and say if you want that task done it has to be done by someone else.

I am the right tool for many many jobs, I am also the wrong tool at times.

Describe your goals for the Profile Review and/or upcoming coaching experience. For example, you may describe personal relationships that you want to improve, behavioral changes you want to make, or discovering how to position yourself for career advancement.

I am not sure I have any goals, and most of the behavioural changes I have made over the last 20 years as part of my own reflections and frequent discussions with my Autism support network. I think I have a very very good relationship with my CEO and corporate directors that go beyond the professional as I have had to open up to them over the years regarding my challenges with Autism and I have leant a lot from them even when we don't agree.

I am not unhappy with my career or advancement, hell most would be over the moon to be in my position. I am looked after well, have a great team, great family and yet I am not quite content. I have to admit while I am extremely good at my profession and have made my mark, I am not sure I have achieved or found yet what I was put here to do.

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